Truman Team Target Plan
Building a doTERRA Business Based on Education
Here is a simple, step by step questionnaire to help target any weak links in your business plan to help you stay on target as you plan and progress towards your doTERRA goals.
1. Have you experienced, used and educated yourself about doTERRA CPTG Essential Oils and the other amazing products?
2. Do you understand your virtual office?
Watch videos and trainings on doTERRA University to familiarize yourself!
Get with your Enroller/Sponsor and have them go over the virtual office with you
3. Are you set up on The Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP)?
Reasons for doing a 100PV LRP:
Earn free product points for every month you are set up with an LRP order
Earn commissions by being set up with the standard 100PV order every month
Receive the Free Product of the Month by having a 125PV order set up before the 15th of each month
Get shipping points to use later on products with every LRP order
4. Have you shared doTERRA with everyone from your warm market?
Share with everyone you personallly know and invite them to experience the oils
Make a list of family, friends, neighbors and colleagues who you know will benefit from using the oils
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Call, email, or contact others through social media inviting them to learn more…
5. Have you hosted a class in your home or on-line?
You can teach a class yourself (ideas below) or you can have an "expert" teach it for you
An expert can be your up-line sponsor/enroller, your friend, or anyone whom your warm market might see as someone who knows this product better than they/you do
Some don't need an "expert" to teach their classes, which is great
You can learn from many doTERRA sources on-line
You can also learn from webinars and Conf calls listed on the Education tab of our Truman Team website Invite everyone on your list to an on-line or local class.
Remember: sometimes it takes 8 times before someone says "yes". And "no" just means "not yet"!
6. Have you contacted people outside of your warm market?
Make daily personal contacts by strking up conversations with those around you at: the grocery store, hair salon, school, airport, or wherever you might be where other people are
Remember, everyone likes to talk about their health issues and you have an oil for that!
7. Social Media
Truman Team Social Media
Truman Team Instagram - @thetrumanteam
doTERRA official social media
You may want to consider creating your own sort of facebook page or blog to educate your personal team! Let people know what you're doing, but don't over do it!
8. Booths, Expos, Fairs and Markets
Check out local wellness expo's, county, state or even school fairs, 5 or 10K races and/or marathons, etc.
Check out different cities Calendar of Events
Partner with other businesses
9. Do you always carry oils, business cards, information, etc.?
Be Brave! Share as often as you can!
10. Do you give away 2 samples a day being sure to get their contact information?
Tell everyone you give information/samples to you would love to follow-up with them to find out how the oil helped, or what they thought Then...the #1 secret? Follow Up!
"There is fortune in the follow through!"-Michael Clause
Stores to purchase sample vials and other accessories:
11. Are you always inviting others to upcoming classes/events?
12. Do you attend as many corporate/team classes/events as you can?
13. Are you an oil expert?
After you have had an "expert" teach a class or two for you, it will be time for you to become the "expert." You should always be trying to learn new things!
14. Have you taught a class?
Teaching a class:
Keep it simple
Share your personal story
Talk about "Why" oils
Talk about "Why doTERRA" (CPTG)
Talk about the 3 ways to "Use" oils:
Pass around oils...Whatever oils you educate about be sure to pass that particular oil around so everyone can experience it
Share a short story/experience for most of the oils you pass around
Ask for questions
Remember -- "Facts tell, stories sell."
15. Do you invite everyone to have the benefits of the oils in their personal homes?
Give them 2 options to receive their oils:
-Retail or Wholesale (most intelligent way)
Show picture of different Enrollment kits
-Share your favorite and why…(Family Solutions kit because it has everything I wanted to start with, including the Lifelong Vitality Pack)
-Offer incentives for different levels of enrollment entrance
A good idea is to give away FREE educational material as an incentive to enroll
-Smaller enrollment kits (below $500)--Essential Oils 101 booklet
-Medium size kits (under $1,000)--Spiral size Modern Essentials Book
-Larger kits (anything above $1,000) --Modern Essentials book
Encourage new enrollees to get set up on the Loyalty Rewards Program of 100PV for the following month and if they do, give them a free Modern Essentials book as a gift!
16. Do you invite others to host a class in their home?
Before the end of each class, be sure to invite anyone to schedule a date to host a class in their home
Some may want to offer a hostess incentive - be creative
The more people are educated about the oils, the more they will use them. The more they use them, the more they will want to share. The more they share, the more others are using and sharing!
17. Do you follow through with everyone you personally enroll?
After those you personally enroll receive their kits be sure to follow through:
Call them on the phone or go over to their home (if you have that convenience)
Let them know you just wanted to make sure they received their kit
Go over each bottle of oil and product which came in their kit
Remind them of the power of our CPTG essential oils
Pay particular attention to the oils they were wanting for particular issues
Go over their virtual office with them:
Show them how to change their own LRP orders
how to enroll someone
how to find the "tools" to help in educating
From those you personally enroll find 3 Generals you want to work with and then help each one of them duplicate what you just did.
18. Have you shared the business opportunity?
Be sure to let each individual you share the oils with that there is a business opportunity which has blessed your life and thousands of others and you would love to share how they can either:
1. Pay for their own oils - use and share at least monthly
2. Supplement their income - use and share consistently, working less than part-time hours
3. Replace their income - use, share and build by working part to full time hours
Set a time to meet with them to go over the business plan
There are different PowerPoints you can download HERE to show them
Or you can use the information provided in your/their enrollment packet
19. Do you spend 30 minutes a day on you?
Yoga, exercise, meditation, anything that brings peace to your mind, is inspiring, therapeutic and/or uplifting. How about reading a book!
Twelve Pillars by Jim Rohn
Your First Year in Network Marketing by Mark and Rene Yarnell
Secret Code To Success by Noah St. John
How To Build Network Marketing Leaders by Tim "Big Al" Schreiter
Beach Money by Jordan Alder
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Leadership and Self-Deception by The Arbinger Institute
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Kuhn Truman
How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie
Crucial Conversations by Kerry Patterson
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey
The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky
Thing and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
Drive by Daniel H. Pink
Outliers by Malcom Gladwell
The Four Agreements by Janet Mills
The Power by Rhonda Byrne
The Success Principles by Jack Canfield
"The mission of doTERRA is to:
1. Share the healing powers of the oils with the world
2. Build and develop people into something greater
3. Free people financially to make a difference
4. Make the world a better place by giving back!"
-- Dave Stirling (President and CEO of doTERRA)