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September 2017 Rank Advancements
CONGRATULATIONS TO ALL who rank advanced in September! Your hard work is paying off!
August 2017 Rank Advancements
August was such a big month! Thanks for ALL your efforts to spread this wonderful message of hope and healing! CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU ALL!

July 2017 Rank Advancements
CONGRATULATIONS to so many of you who accomplished some pretty amazing goals last month!

June 2017 Rank Advancements
Each month we have leaders that go above and beyond to spread the message of doTERRA! Congratulations to all those who rank advanced!

May 2017 Rank Advancements
Each month we have Truman Team leaders that go above and beyond to spread the message of doTERRA! Congratulations to all those who rank adva

April 2017 Rank Advancements
Each month we have leaders that go above and beyond to spread the message of doTERRA! Congratulations to all those who rank advanced!

March 2017 Rank Advancements
Each month we have leaders that go above and beyond to spread the message of doTERRA! Congratulations to all those who rank advanced!

February 2017 Rank Advancements
Each month we have leaders that go above and beyond to spread the message of doTERRA! Congratulations to all those who rank advanced!
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